I will not let the gas light come on in the truck (Ironhide). Also, I will not keep driving when said light does come on.
Yeah, right. 2011 will likely be the year I’m stranded on the side of the highway out of fuel.
I will stop eating Nutella out of the jar with my finger when I’m grumpy.
In 2011, I will use a spoon.
I will stop dropping into the pet store that has all the cute baby rats. I am not that strong.
Well…. Maybe just to look….
I will not judge people.
Much. Except bad drivers, bad dressers, bad parents, bad… er, ok, this one may be hard to keep…
I will grow up and stop sleeping with stuffed animals.
Except Sir Loin and the Petite Sir Loin. And the other cows when LT Fromage is gone. But all others will stay out of the bed.
I will not use duct tape as a fashion item; even though it is designed for holding things together, the things held together should not be my pants.
I will learn to bake. And while doing so, I will try very, very hard not to catch the house on fire or add a little crunch to brownies with a splintered wooden spoon.
I will lose the last….
Oh forget it. No weight loss resolutions. I’ll mess that one up before I finish this post!
I will take a picture a day for 365 Days in Pictures.
Ok, I actually plan to really really try hard to do this one. Check out my new website devoted to my year in photos.
What are your resolutions?